Monday, April 9, 2007


Hey everyone!
Today's class reminded me I had wanted to post some video dedications. Everyone can check them out, I just dedicated these videos to people based on the work they're doing in the class or conversations I've had with them, etc.

To Ryan:
This is a piece I made last term... I call it a mega-commercial. It's sort of like ad busting.
Banksy seems to be a really intriguing guerilla artist. Have you checked him out already?

To Joe:
Remember how I said to you I had never seen a baby pigeon before? Well here's what one looks like! It's kinda creepy. I'm still mystified as to where the grown up ones hide all their babies. I guess in secret nests...

To Catherine (Katie?):
Since you showed a stop animation for your midterm, I thought you might enjoy this stop animation made on lite brite. I think it's so beautiful. On a side note, I don't hate techno or robots, I just love this video.

To Judith:
Just for laughs. Can't wait to see what kind of art piece you make about daffodils.

To Abena:
You said you and your friends were making a parody of a music video... I think this one is hilarious! It's so dumb, you just can't help but laugh... or get really annoyed.

Ok everyone I'm out of dedications for now... maybe I'll post some more if/when I find some good ones. I hope I got everyone's name right... sorry if not.

See you guys for critiques next week!


beena said...

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO POST. ..anyway, i'm going to post as a comment, go here and read my interviews/surveys!!!!! also thank you angela for the link, the video was quite inspiring.

Judith Doyle said...

Very very cute and sweet. I love receiving a dedication! What a nice way to brighten up a day. AND I look forward to doing Baycrest stuff in the future. Thanks so much for your engagement and generous treats for us all!