Thursday, March 29, 2007

angela's seminar presentation

Hey everyone!
I posted my seminar presentation on youtube as promised (it took forever to upload!), so if you missed it or if you want to re-live the experience.. here's the link. :P

Also, here is the link to postsecret if you are interested in that. New secrets are posted every Sunday.

Judith, I was wondering if you could send the link for my seminar presentation to the woman who was a guest in our class this week (I'm sorry but I've forgotten her name). She approached me after class and expressed interest in showing my video during a presentation of some sort. I gave her my email but I didn't get hers. Thanks!

I hope everyone has a good week and doesn't get too stressed with end of term stuff!


p.s. I might post some more video dedications so keep a look out for them!

1 comment:

Judith Doyle said...

I have to look to see if I have her card or not - her name is Britt. I can get her contact info from the Mobile Nation organizers if I can't find the card...

That's great that she'll be showing your work in the UK ! The school is called "Goldsmiths" I believe. Get the specifics and add it to your CV I suggest....